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Bite-sized videos offered for easy consumption

To make it easier for dentists to get information about our endorsed programs, we are offering short videos and short webinars-on-demand. All of these are viewable at Just click on “MDA Services” and you’ll see quite a list of viewable content.

Best Card presents the best value for you

Every time you accept a payment by credit card, you are essentially discounting your services by the effective rate the card processor charges to handle your transaction. The MDA-endorsed credit card processor, Best Card, has very low processing rates. In fact, the average dentist saves $3,736 annually on processing fees by switching to Best Card…. Continue reading

Save big on dental supplies at, Powered by Henry Schein

As a member of the MDA, you are eligible to participate in the new group purchasing organization (GPO) established with, Powered by Henry Schein. To participate and join the GPO, simply visit, create an account and then make a purchase. Your practice can reduce its supply costs and your purchases will generate non-dues… Continue reading

MDA-TV, powered by eScapes, is now free to all MDA members

Have you seen the new, free¸ MDA member benefit? It’s MDA-TV, a private TV channel branded for your practice on the MDA-TV Network, powered by eScapes Relaxation Television. Your private TV channel presents soothing scenery and calming music to help your patients alleviate anxiety and relax. You can advertise your in-office dental plan and elective… Continue reading

Plan now to begin electronically prescribing all medications Oct. 1, or risk being delayed

By Oct. 1, Michigan doctors will be required by state law to electronically prescribe ALL medications. Before you tell yourself, “there’s plenty of time,” please learn about the dangers of delaying from the experiences of other states with new e-prescribe laws. The biggest delaying factor is linked to prescribing controlled substances. There are additional steps… Continue reading

Email presents easy HIPAA violations

If your practice is using “regular” email to communicate a patient’s protected health information electronically, you are risking being cited for a HIPAA violation. PHI, including radiographs, must be communicated via HIPAA-compliant encrypted email. So stop using your gmail, Yahoo, AOL and other non-compliant accounts to share PHI with your referral network. Instead, subscribe to… Continue reading

Help local employers and your practice with an in-office plan

If your patient base includes business owners and if you offer an in-office dental plan, there is a big opportunity for your practice to become the dentist of choice for those patients’ employees. Speak with your contacts in the local business community about your in-office dental plan and explain how their employees’ oral health care… Continue reading

IOP Tutorials On-Demand

In-office dental plans are gaining popularity across the country. To help dentists understand how these plans work and why they are worth considering, MDA Services offers two series of videos on the subject. Five brief videos in Series 1 explain the basics, what a plan can do for your practice, how to get started, fees… Continue reading

Join CareCredit to provide patient payment options

When dentistry requires an out-of-pocket cost, help more patients accept the treatment they want, need or may have postponed by recommending they privately apply for the CareCredit credit card on their smart device or computer. If approved, patients may be able to pay over time with convenient monthly payments on purchases of $200 or more…. Continue reading