Switch to Best Card for credit card processing and keep more of what you earn

There’s a saying: “It’s not how much you earn, it’s how much you keep.” That is especially true when it comes to credit card processing. Many dentists default to using the credit card processor built into their practice management systems. Those processors typically have very high effective rates, meaning more of your money goes to their bottom line than is necessary. To find your current effective rate, add all the fees on a statement and divide that by the total dollars processed that month. Best Card practices average 2.18%; if your effective rate is higher, you may be paying too much.
A low effective rate, great personal service and the ability to post payments directly, to practice management systems are the reasons that the MDA endorses Best Card for credit card processing. The average dentist saves $3,256 or 24% annually by switching to Best Card.
Find out how much of your money you can keep when you switch to Best Card by emailing your recent merchant card processing statement to Compare@BestCardTeam.com, or faxing it to 866-717-7247.
Please call 877-739-3952 to learn more. Switching to Best Card usually is the quickest way to recover the cost of
your tripartite membership dues!