The Quickest Solution to IT Challenges is the Cloud; Get Your Free Consultation

Do you or your staff manage and update your computers, internet, phones, servers, email, data security, etc.? If so, it’s time to request help from a trusted source. You may greatly gain time, security and efficiency by taking advantage of the services offered through Complete Dental IT. MDA-endorsed Complete Dental IT is a program created just for Michigan dentists. The team assesses and determines your practice IT needs and how to best tailor a solution to solve your problems, while increasing security and improving IT processes.

Perhaps one of the most onerous and challenging tasks a dentist faces in the IT role is performing daily backups of your server and computer systems. Switching to cloud-based backup services solves this problem overnight, while improving your security. Your data will be backed up in real time with each keystroke, and with full HIPAA compliance. It will always be available to you, it’s more secure, and provides better data protection.

Let’s look at the cloud, or online-based system backup. The cloud utilizesoff-site technology to host your backups. The biggest advantage of cloud systems is that they are generally more affordable. You don’t need to have the backup systems in your office, which means you don’t need to pay for the physical servers and upkeep associated with them. Going cloud-based is also less labor intensive and can be managed by Complete Dental IT’s managed service providers.

Reach out to the Complete Dental IT team for a free, no-obligation discovery consultation about your practice IT. Visit or call 866-498-0173. MDA members receive substantial discounts on all Complete Dental IT services.