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Streamline debt collections with TSI

Statistics show that only one of 10 debt collection calls actually get through to the responsible party. This is not only time-consuming and inefficient, but highly ineffective. MDA-endorsed TSI (Transworld Services Inc.) offers a vetted, successful solution for dental practices. On average, TSI’s Accelerator service will resolve 50% to 70% of the accounts processed. Of… Continue reading

Protect the air quality of your practice

The MDA endorses Surgically Clean Air to substantially improve indoor air quality in dental practices. Back in 2003, the technology behind Surgically Clean Air was developed as a rapid response for the next SARS-like outbreak. Fast forward to 2020 and it’s here. The 50-watts of germicidal UVC denatures viruses by rupturing the DNA strand and… Continue reading

Register for upcoming Professional Protector Plan Control, Protocol and Risk Management seminar at Annual Session

With insurance, it’s imperative to work with someone who can see what you sometimes cannot—and can help you stay prepared for what lies ahead. The Professional Protector Plan for Dentists (PPP) professional liability coverage from MDA Insurance offers an acclaimed dental risk management program in classroom and online formats. The next Professional Protector Plan Control, Protocol… Continue reading

Your income is worth protecting.

Disability income insurance can help protect the asset you rely on most—your earning power. It may surprise you to learn than one in four of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire. Sixty-two percent of Americans have no emergency savings. You can’t predict the future, but you can make decisions today to protect against… Continue reading

Discounted, Easy Travel with AHI Travel

AHI Travel provides MDA members access to guided ocean, river, and land-based tours designed to immerse travelers in the history and culture of people and places across the globe. A single point of contact at AHI will help members book airfare, plan pre-or-post trip extensions, and be available to answer all questions. MDA members who… Continue reading

Patients Can Finance the Care They Need

Endorsed by the MDA, CareCredit is a healthcare credit card that can be used as a financing option for certain expenses not covered by insurance or to bridge payment when desired care exceeds insurance coverage. Already one of the 100,000 dental teams who accept CareCredit? Learn more about how CareCredit can help you grow your… Continue reading

Rethink Past Due Accounts and Debt Collection with TSI

Dental practices share similar frustrations regarding accounts receivable management and outstanding debt collection: • Your invoice is one of many and may not be your patient’s top priority. • Increasing regulatory pressure makes collecting what you’re owed that much more difficult. • The longer invoices are outstanding, the less chance your dental practice has of… Continue reading