Air purification for your practice

The MDA endorses Surgically Clean Air to substantially improve IAQ in dental practices. Back in 2003 the technology behind Surgically Clean Air was developed as a rapid response for the next SARSlike outbreak. Fast forward to 2020 and it’s here. The 50-watts of germicidal UVC denatures viruses by rupturing the DNA strand and that’s only… Continue reading

Your patients can finance the care they need

Endorsed by the MDA, CareCredit is a healthcare credit card that can be used as a financing option for certain expenses not covered by insurance or to bridge payment when desired care exceeds insurance coverage. Already one of the 100,000 dental teams who accept CareCredit? Learn more about how CareCredit can help you grow your… Continue reading

Avoid 5 common, punishable HIPAA violations

Ransomware attacks and HIPAA violations continue to plague the medical and dental sectors and are now vastly growing in frequency and severity. Here are five of the most common ways dental practices end up with a HIPAA violation resulting in costly penalties: 1. Posting PHI on social media. While this may seem like an unlikely… Continue reading

Foresight is 20/20 with your professional liability insurance

With insurance, it’s imperative to work with a trusted insurance adviser who can see what you sometimes cannot—and can help you prepare for what lies ahead. At every stage of your career, let MDA Insurance evaluate your current malpractice professional liability policy to ensure you have the coverage you need. Our professional staff will evaluate… Continue reading