Leveraging Technology Makes Your Practice More Efficient

Over the years, technology has helped practices become more  connected to patients and more productive. Automatic reminder calls and convenient text messages for patient appointment reminders are commonplace now. Technology now also plays a key role in recouping unpaid patient balances.
MDA-endorsed TSI (Transworld Services Inc.) makes hundreds of thousands of calls each day using a dialer and tracks the ‘Right Party Contact’ rate of the dials. Statistics show that only one of 10 calls actually get through to the responsible party. By leveraging a dialer, collectors now focus on the patients that actually answer calls.
After a few unpaid statements are sent, TSI’s Accelerator service can send a soft reminder letter in the name of the practice, followed by an automated call, prompting the patient to call your office. On a seven- or 10-day cycle, a second letter and a second call will be made, then a final reminder. On average, the Accelerator service will resolve 50 percent to 70 percent of the accounts processed.
To learn more, contact TSI at 877-377-5378 or visit the TSI landing page under MDA Services at  mdaprograms.com.